Three and ThreeNow offer an entertaining and engaging mix of drama, comedy and event television to the millions of viewers who tune in each month. Three reaches 2.3 million (55%) New Zealander's each month, whilst ThreeNow reaches over half a million kiwis each week. The ThreeNow audience consume 5.1 million content hours each month*.
Three’s entertainment offering is anchored by a slate of outstanding local content including 7 Days, Married at First Sight NZ, David Lomas Investigates and the all-new Madam.
Bravo is a 'pure entertainment' channel targeting 25-54 year-olds with a female skew. Bravo delivers entertaining lifestyle content that is fun, engaging, real and aspirational to 1.4 million kiwis each month.
We have a solution-based approach to advertiser requirements. Using our portfolio strengths, premium properties and innovative thinking, we deliver transformative results for our customers.
Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 23 – Q4 23 Feb 24 Fused. Base = AP15+ | *Adobe Analytics, Content Time Spent, L6M, Dec 23 – May 24.